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Tiger’s Den CrossFit


Phone number (469) 828-1965

Did you know that all CrossFit gyms are completely different and unique? Did you know that some are WAY better than others?

Come join our award winning community on the journey to health and longevity. Surround yourself with committed, dedicated, everyday people just like you who have decided to changing their lives and you are sure to succeed!

We have world class coaches with a variety of specialties who can satisfy any need and overcome any disadvantage. We offer more than just CrossFit classes: we offer private, personal training/programming for the most advanced athlete, just Olympic weightlifting instruction/competition prep, even yoga!

Our programming is second to none and has produced many national champions. The best part is our coaches truly understand the ART and SCIENCE of coaching, meaning we can adapt/modify/scale proven, Olympic-level training regimes for the most unique individuals.

Come, let us impress you today!

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City Dallas Category Fitness and Beauty Location 2025 Irving Blvd Ste 103 Dallas, TX 75207
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